the Free Episcopal Church Home Page
The Free Episcopal Church stands at the crossroads of all that the Churches have been, and all that the Holy Spirit is inviting the Churches yet to be. We gather as Church to respond to Jesus' request to "feed my sheep". Jesus did not exclude anyone from His Table; neither should we.
In the FEC all people are welcome regardless of the categories that divide us (age, ethnicity, physical ability, gender, social class, sexuality, marital status, and so on). Those fights for a rightful place at the Table, that threaten to tear apart so many faith groups, are not part of our lives together, past or present.
We have no property, no church buildings, and no paid clergy. All who join us are expected to have a servant ministry. We worship with and support many other faith communities, learning from them and sharing our vision of the servant ministry of Christ that we feel called to do.
We believe we are called to follow Christ into the sometimes dark, lonely, and dangerous corners of life where many of God's children are suffering and powerless. While we enjoy and covet the opportunities to worship God in community, we believe that true worship is to 'do justice' and to 'love as Christ loved us.'
If our small part of the One Church appeals to you, come journey with us! We will be richer for your participation.
If you or your ministry would like to affiliate with the Free Episcopal Church, please contact the national office by writing to:
Office of the Presiding Bishop The Rt. Rev. Sherrie Albrecht P.O. Box 205 Oregon, WI 53575